Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Logo

The logo I created for myself. Viewed right side up, you see an "M," and viewed upside down you see an "A."

Company Logos

I liked this logo because of the directionality.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Liquify Abstract

Playing around with the liquify tool in photoshop.

Phone Case

This is my design for a smartphone case. Bubbles!

My Design for the Yearbook Cover

My thought process behind the yearbook cover was to list the names of the graduating class. This way, instead of one or two people being featured on the cover, or something generic that doesn't really show the personality of the school, we would have something where everyone could see their name. The cover is posted on the student server and in the web gallery, but I still cannot get it to post on my blog.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Yearbook Cover- My Design

My design is posted on the student server, but I cannot get it to post on my blog for some reason. I will try again at a later time.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Best Yearbooks


Here is an example of my favorite style of yearbook covers. I love the idea of a background filled with words that describe the school or the class, but even better in my opinion would be a cover in which the background was filled with the names of the students. The class here is small enough that this would actually be possible, and it would represent the feeling of family that we have developed at RCHS. I'm not a huge fan of the "Movies" theme that has been chosen, because I feel like it does not represent the class well. I would have chosen something more along the lines of "family" or "together."

Thursday, January 10, 2013

3 Word Digital Collages

Stable- Symmetrical

Adventure- Radial
Now- Asymmetrical


Original Picture:
Altered, Multiplied:
Altered, Multiplied, First Filter:
Altered, Multiplied, Second Filter:

Monday, January 7, 2013

My Three Words for 2013

Now- What I do now will affect my future.
Stable- I need some form of stability in everything I do.
Adventure- My life is an adventure. I must treat it as such.


Symmetrical Heart by antsp35






 Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds